18 May 2019

上映会+討論会のお知らせ 2019年5月30日(木)Film Screening and Panel Discussion on Sexual Violence

英文学会では、Vickie Skorji氏をお招きし、BBCドキュメンタリー “Japan’s Secret Shame” の上映および討論会を開催します。事前の予約や参加費などは必要ありません。多くの皆さまのご参加をお待ちしております。

日 時:2019年5月30日(木)3限 19:30~21:30
場 所:青山学院大学 青山キャンパス9号館4階 921教室
講 演 者 :Vickie Skorji (Director of TELL)
タ イ ト ル:Film Screening and Panel Discussion on Sexual Violence
参 加 費:無料(事前申し込み不要)

 A panel discussion and film screening on the topic of sexual violence will be open to all IE Program students, English Department students, and Aogaku students in general. First, the documentary film, “Japan’s Secret Shame,” will be shown. That will be followed by a panel discussion that will explore themes outlined in the film, including the challenges of reporting and seeking justice around sexual violence in Japan. Ms. Vickie Skorji of TELL will moderate the panel discussion.

https://www.bbc.com/japanese/features-and-analysis-44638987 [article and film clips in Japanese]

https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/articles/3z44Njyr5wzm3wbVMGZ7tFr/shiori-ito-japan-s-attitudes-to-allegations-of-sexual-violence-are-locked-in-the-past  [article in English]

https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b0b8cfcj [Brief description of the 1-hour film]


Neither Aoyama Gakuin University (its English Department) nor TELL are responsible for the views expressed in the BBC documentary that will be shown at this event.

お問合せ先: Joseph V. Dias教授

 講演会情報 Film Screening and Panel Discussion on Sexual Violence