05 Jun 2019

講演会のお知らせ 2019年6月25日(火)“What if I am A Woman”

英文学会では、Crystal N. Feimster氏を講師としてお招きし、講演会を開催します。事前の予約や参加費などは必要ありません。多くのみなさまのご参加をお待ちしています。

日 時:2019年6月25日(火)16:50~18:10
場 所:青山学院大学 青山キャンパス 17号館4階 17411教室
講 演 者 :Crystal N. Feimster (Yale University)
タ イ ト ル:“What if I am A Woman”:Black Women’s Campaigns for Sexual Justice and Citizenship
参 加 費:無料(事前申し込み不要)

講演要旨 (Synopsis)

This lecture will trace black women’s resistance to sexual violence during the transition from slavery to freedom and reveals how their claims for sexual justice informed national debates about the meanings of freedom and citizenship. Black women’s relentless defense of themselves under impossible circumstances informed not only the anti-slavery discourse espoused by abolitionists, but also influenced the Republican party’s vision of racial equality from the 1850s until the end of Reconstruction. Taken together, black women’s radical and often violent campaigns for sexual justice and Republican ideas about legal equality for free blacks (and fugitive slaves), reveals the emergence of a new sexual citizenship that culminated during the Civil War, when black women gained the right to withhold consent and to legally testify as victims of sexual assault under military law. During Reconstruction, however, as Republican governments lost political power in the South, black women lost hard won rights of legal protection as nightriders and klansmen raped and sexually brutalized black women all over the south. Once again denied their right to testify and legal protection against white men’s sexual assaults, black women, such as Ida B. Wells, turned to the press and organized for sexual justice as a right of citizenship.

お問合せ先: 西本あづさ教授

 講演会情報 “What if I am A Woman”:Black Women’s Campaigns for Sexual Justice and Citizenship