12 Oct 2020

講演会のお知らせ 2020年10月29日(木) Virtually Shakespeare

英文学会では、英国のBen Crystal氏を講師としてオンライン講演会を開催します。 多くのみなさまのご参加をお待ちしています。

日 時:2020年10月29日(木)18:30~20:00
場 所:オンライン(こちらのPDFファイル内のリンクからご登録ください)
講 演 者 :Ben Crystal氏
タ イ ト ル:Virtually Shakespeare


Ben Crystal is an English actor, author, and producer, best known for his work on performing and promoting Shakespeare using original pronunciation and practices.

In this talk, Crystal will be more focused on new dramatic practices in the digital arts, particularly in his role as curator of the Shakespeare Ensemble, which recently explored new directions in experimental virtual theatre in its 2020 production of What You Will.

Ben has become well known in Japan for his talks and dramatic performances and demonstrations. In their 2019 tour of Japan, the Shakespeare Ensemble gave performances that included modern reworkings of original Elizabethan rehearsal practices. For a preliminary explanation of Ben Crystal’s work, please see a selection of videos available with a name search on YouTube or visit bencrystal.com.