12 Sep 2019

MSIA (Modernist Studies in Asia Network) 2nd International Conference: Modernism and Multiple Temporalities


Start  2019-09-12 14:00  End  2019-09-14 18:00

2019年9月12日より14日にかけて、MSIA(Modernist Studies in Asia Network) による第2回国際学会が、青山学院大学において開催されます。

青山学院大学文学部および青山英文学会も協賛するこの国際学会では、アメリカ、ヨーロッパのみならず、日本、中国、韓国、台湾などのアジア圏各国、またその他の地域の国々などから文字通り世界中の研究者たちが集い、100件近くの研究発表が予定されているほか、文学、映画、芸術にまたがる現在のモダニズム研究において世界的に最先端の成果を発表しているDouglas Mao氏、Aaron Gerow氏、Laura Mercus氏、3名による基調講演が行われます。



MSIA2: Modernism and Multiple Temporalities


What is MSIA 2?

Following its successful inaugural conference held in June 2018, the Modernist Studies in Asia Network (MSIA) will hold its second annual international conference in Tokyo, Japan. It will be held in the Aoyama Campus of Aoyama Gakuin University, located in the Shibuya/Aoyama area of Tokyo, a hotspot of cutting-edge culture and business activity in Japan.

This year’s conference theme is “Modernism and Multiple Temporalities”. The concept of psychological time has long been a central theme of modernist studies, particularly with reference to textual features such as the stream of consciousness and narrative fragmentation. In recent years, however, increasing attention has been paid to the ways in which the ‘politics of time’ (Peter Osborne’s term) has defined the very experience of modernity and generated a variety of modernist innovations such as the avant-garde rhetoric of rupture or attention to the communal rhythm of the everyday. Starting with Karl Marx’s observation on capitalism’s ‘annihilation of space by time,’ many critics have examined how the dominant versions of time (such as Walter Benjamin’s ‘homogenous, empty time’, or what E. P. Thompson called ‘time discipline’) colluded with capitalism, colonialism, and imperialism; meanwhile, they have also observed the ways in which the dominant ideologies were often contested through the multiplicity of temporality in various locations.

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