20 Sep 2019

IPJS (International Program for Japan Studies/国際日本研究プログラム) 発足のお知らせ

 2020年度春より、IPJS (International Program for Japan Studies/国際日本研究プログラム)がスタートします。政治、歴史、言語、サブカルチャーなど、「日本」にまつわるさまざまな幅広いトピックに関して、留学生のために「英語」で授業を開講するプログラムです。


 Slated to launch in Spring 2020, the program will accept applications from Fall 2019. The IPJS program is a certificate program that offers international exchange students an opportunity to take academic courses that focus on Japan’s vital role in the world today and its unique contributions to global culture throughout history. Students enroll for a period of from one semester to a full academic year and study at AGU while living in the Tokyo area.

Read more about IPJS >>International Program for Japan Studies