学部ゼミ Seminar in American Literature / Culture

サイトーゼミにおいて何よりも重要なことは、多数の “Made in USA” の作品を通して、いまやあらゆる意味で「アメリカ化」されてもいるわれわれ自身の価値観や思考のありかたを、今一度問い直していくことです。このような作業こそを、批評的思考 (critical thinking) と呼ぶのだと、わたしは頑なに信じています。そのように、頭を大回転させて行っていく作業に、感動、違和感、嫌悪感、充足感などなど、色々と心も動かされてしまうような体験が必ずや伴います。
毎年どのような基準や思惑、あるいは気まぐれによってゼミのテーマを設定しているのか?について、常に意識しているのはrelevance (関係があること)です。わたし自身の専門研究分野に関連性が高いということのみならず、現代に、そして日本というこれまた世界史上極めて特殊な国に、暮らして学んでいるわれわれの生活そのものとの関係性があること。過去のこと、外国のこと、あるいは過去の外国の人が考えたこと、やったこと、妄想したことややり損ねたこと…、これらはすべて、実はわれわれの現在と切っても切れないつながりを有しています。文化的なつながりのみならず、司法、経済、医療などなど、ほんとうにありとあらゆる局面でつながっていることが、文学/文化研究のアプローチでこそあらためて見えてくるでしょう。
2020年度 アメリカ文化演習
Films on America (アメリカ映画、文化研究ゼミ)
cf. Labor problem in Dumbo (1941); Concept of Whiteness in Marty (1955); African Americans in Crooklyn (1994); Asian Americans in Gran Torino (2008); Latinos in Sin nombre (2009);Native Americans in The Searchers (1956); Postwar femininity in Magnificent Obsession (1954); Masculinity in Fight Club (1999); Sexualities in All About My Mother (1999); Images of Dis/ability in Children of a Lesser God (1985); Class and Poverty in The Florida Project (2017); American values and Dystopia in Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1956)
2019年度 アメリカ文化演習
Seminar in American Studies(アメリカ研究ゼミ)
cf. (Students’ research topics) Romanticizing Disability in Freaks and The Greatest Showman; Toxic Masculinity in The Shape of Water; FtM and Boys Don’t Cry; History of Female Super Heroes in American Culture; How PTSD Became Recognized as Disease in America Films; Otherness in Whiteness: Analysis of The Sun Also Rises; Study of Mid-century Modern Chairs; America and the Three Poems of Langston Hughes; Dual Concepts of Ideal Women in the 1950s; Study of Jackie Robinson; Brooklyn and Irish Immigrants in American Society; Johnny and Associates and United States; Cultural History of Female Beauty in the 20th Century; Study of Miss Saigon and Christopher “Chris” Scott; Representations of Asian Americans in Crazy Rich Asians; American Christianity and Southern Baptist; Vivian Maier: Street Photographer; Social Issues for Women in The Intern and The Devil Wears Prada; Development of Chicago Blues; Youth in the 60s and Garage Rock; Hidden Figures and the Problems in Adaptation; Affirmative Actions in the US and Its Contradiction; Closet and Homophobic Gazes in Brokeback Mountain; Cultural Gumbo of New Orleans; Comparative Study of Female Characters in Horror Films in America and Japan.
2018年度 アメリカ文化演習
Disease and Disability in 20th- and 21st- Century American Literature and Culture(20-21世紀アメリカ文学と文化における病気と障がいの表象)
cf. Charlotte Perkins Gilman. “The Yellow Wallpaper” (1892); O. Henry. “The Last Leaf” (1907); Jack London. “The Sheriff of Kona” (1912); Ernest Hemingway. The Sun Also Rises (1926); F. Scott Fitzgerald. “Sleeping and Waking” (1932); Tod Browning. Freaks (1932); Flannery O’Connor. “Good Country People” (1955); Children of a Lesser God (1986, film, dir. by Randa Haines); John Green. The Fault in Our Stars (2012).
2017年度 アメリカ文化演習
Mental Disorder in 20th- and 21st- Century American Literature and Culture(20-21世紀アメリカ文学と文化における知的/心的障害)
cf. F. Scott Fitzgerald. Tender Is the Night ; Mary Jane Ward. The Snake Pit (1946; 1948, film dir. by Anatole Litwak); Nunnally Johnson. The Three Faces of Eve(1957, film); Samuel Fuller. Shock Corridor (1963, film); Jonathan Safran Foer. Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close (2005; 2011, film dir. by Stephen Daldry).

2016年度 アメリカ文化演習
Family in Postmodern American Literature and Culture (ポストモダン期以降のアメリカ文学/文化における家族像)
cf. Don DeLillo. White Noise; Alison Bechdel. Fun Home; Dorothy Allison. Bastrad Out of Carolina; Jhumpa Lahiri. “Unaccustomed Earth”; Junot Diaz. “Yerael,” “Fiesta, 1980”; Wes Anderson. The Royal Tenenbaums; Albert and David Maysles. Grey Gardens.
2015年度 アメリカ文学演習
Utopia/Dystopia in 19th- and 20th-century American literature (19-20世紀にアメリカ文学におけるユートピア/ディストピア)
cf. L. Frank Baum. The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, The Emerald City of Oz, Glinda of Oz; Charlotte Perkins Gilman. Herland; Nathaniel Hawthorne. “The Celestial Railroad,” “The Birthmark”; Mark Twain. “From The ‘London Times’ in 1904.”
2014年度 アメリカ文学演習
Mind in 20th-century American literature (「心/意識」をどのように20世紀アメリカ小説は描いてきたのか?)
cf. William Faulkner. The Sound and the Fury; Ken Kesey. One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest; Chuck Palahniuk. Fight Club.

Whiteness/Othering in Ernest Hemingway (Risa Abe)
Romanticizing Disability in American Films (Nanako Hiiro)
FTM Transgenders in Boys Don’t Cry (1999) and Southern Comfort (2001) (Akari Kasahara)
War Veterans and PTSD in The Best Years of Our Lives, Taxi Driver, and American Sniper (Rui Kizaki)
Langston Hughes’s Skepsis for the Land of America (Hasumi Kumaoka)
The Hidden Secrets of Wonder Woman: The Life of William Moulton Marston (Moe Okita)
Toxic Masculinity in Rebel Without a Cause, Fight Club, and The Shape of Water (Mao Yoneyama)
Victimized Women in “The Yellow Wallpaper,” “Indian Camp” and “Dry September” (Wakae Miya)
The Great Gatsby and Film Adaptations (Yuka Tsuchiya)
Ethnic Identities and Otaku Personalities: Arnold Spirit Jr. in The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian and Oscar Wao in The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao (Ririka Akiyama)
Gender Free: Unisex Styles and Thoughts in the 20th Century (Kanon Ito)
Fun Home, Trial of Homosexuality and Father-Daughter Relationship in the 1940s-1970s (Sero Ueda)
Ernest Hemingway’s Hard-Boiled Aesthetics in The Sun Also Rises (Nahoko Ohba)
Aesthetics in Hair: A Study of Female Hair Style in 20th-century American Culture (Saki Okada)
On the Border Beteween Mental Illness and Health: History and Representations of Psychiatry in 20th Century America (Nozomi Onodera)
The Disney Animation and Representation of Pocahontas (Haruka Kimura)
A Study of Double Consciousnesses: W. E. B. Du Bois, Richard Wright, Slave Narratives, and Doll Test (Misaki Sakai)
Flappers, The Day of the Locust, and Perfomativity (Shuhei Tairaku)
The Transformation of Justice in Postwar American Hero Movies: Indiana Jones, Street Fighter, and Captain America (Gohdai Takahashi)
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie as a Feminist in the 21st century (Misato Tachimura)
The Nuclear Family Ideal in the 1950s and Its Representations in American Culture (Yoko Tanaka)
A Historical Study of Hip-Hop from the 1970s to 1990s (Kana Hatakeyama)
O.Henry and New York City at the Turn of the Century: Working Class Women and Amusements (Miki Kunii)
Irony and Innocence: Holden Caulfield’s Self-Recognition in The Catcher in the Rye (Mao Shinmura)
Utopian Societies in Literature and Modern America: How Utopian Studies Shaped the Past and the Possibility of Shaping the Future (Kevin Shields)
Visualization of Invisible Man: An Analysis of Gordon Parks’ “A Man Becomes Invisible” (Ayumi Ogawa)
Posthumanism in Philip K. Dick (Ryohei Kato)
Eugenics and Utopia in Herland: Charlotte Perkins Gilman and the Principle of Growth (Kaori Maekawa)
Queer Also Rises in Ernest Hemingway: Subversive Identification in Heterosexual Binary (Hiroyuki Shimazu)
The Jazz Age Flappers in The Great Gatsby (Ai Endo)
Innocence in Contemporary American Children’s Literature: A Study of Jerry Spinelli (Azusa Fujii)