Seminar (Graduate School)

大学院ゼミ   Study of American Novels









2020年度  F. Scott Fitzgerald. Tender Is the Night と affect theory を考える

  cf. F. Scott Fitzgerald. Tender Is the Night ; Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick and Adam Frank Eds. Shame and Its Sisters: A Silvan Tomkins Reader.

2019年度 Self/Identity とは何か?を考える

  cf. William James.”The Consciousness of Self.”; Erik Erikson. Identity and the Life Cycle; Werner Sollors. Challenges of Diversity; Short stories of Henry James, Philip K. Dick; Phillip Roth. American Pastoral; Ta-Nehisi Coates. Between the World and Me.

2017年度 Don DeLillo. Underworld を読む

  cf. Don DeLillo. White Noise and Underworld.




  Fragmental Collectivity in John Dos Passos’ Manhattan Transfer and U.S.A. (Shuhei Tairaku)


   The Theme of Family in Kurt Vonnegut (Ryohei Kato)


   Gendered Eugenics in Charlotte Perkins Gilman: Reconsideration of Gender in Her Major Works (Kaori Maekawa)

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